Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two households into one. You may also be setting up new bank accounts and...
Testamentary Trusts:  The Best of Both Worlds

Testamentary Trusts: The Best of Both Worlds

You have several different options when it comes to creating the right estate plan. Some people believe that a revocable living trust is the best way to go, while others think that a last will and testament (commonly known as a will) is best under certain...
You Are Never Too Young for An Estate Plan

You Are Never Too Young for An Estate Plan

Estate planning is definitely not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Every family has unique dynamics and circumstances that must be considered and examined when preparing an estate plan. As our lives evolve, so too do our needs and goals, which means an estate plan...