How Do You Define the Beneficiaries of Your Trust?

How Do You Define the Beneficiaries of Your Trust?

Who are your descendants? In the past, the definition of descendant was straightforward: a person who can be traced back to a specific ancestor through the same bloodlines. But planning for today’s more diverse family structures now encompasses much more than...
What is a 529 Plan?

What is a 529 Plan?

What Is a 529 Plan? A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment account designed to hold funds to be used for a beneficiary’s (such as a child’s or grandchild’s) qualified educational expenses. After-tax money is placed into the account and grows tax-free through...
Important Steps to Protect Your Special Beneficiaries

Important Steps to Protect Your Special Beneficiaries

All children are a blessing. From the day they are born, you begin making plans to ensure that your child or grandchild has a bright future. What will their interests be? What job will they have? Who will they marry? While these are common concerns for most families,...
Changes to the FAFSA Form and What It Means for Grandparents

Changes to the FAFSA Form and What It Means for Grandparents

For grandparents who want to leave a legacy to their grandchildren, the gift of a 529 college savings plan is an option. Not only can opening a 529 plan account help a grandchild with educational expenses, it can also help grandparents with their estate planning...