Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two households into one. You may also be setting up new bank accounts and...
First Step in Adulthood: Choosing the Right Decision-Makers

First Step in Adulthood: Choosing the Right Decision-Makers

Being an adult comes with freedom and responsibility. You can now make important decisions on your own without consulting your parents or guardians. While this may feel incredibly liberating, it is not without some scary moments. As an adult, you are in charge of...
Happy 18th Birthday! Now What?

Happy 18th Birthday! Now What?

Congratulations! You are now legally an adult. Although you may not feel any different, from a legal standpoint, a great deal has changed. When you were a minor (under age 18), your parents were your legal guardians responsible for making all your decisions. Now that...
Who Should Be Your Successor Trustee?

Who Should Be Your Successor Trustee?

If you have a revocable living trust, you probably named yourself as the initial trustee so that you can continue to manage your financial affairs. However, someone else will eventually need to step in to administer your trust when you are no longer able to act due to...