Impact of Enstrangement on Estate Planning

Impact of Enstrangement on Estate Planning

Unfortunately, rifts sometimes arise between family members that are much more serious than just temporary squabbles. The result may be estrangement, defined as “the state of being alienated or separated in feeling or affection; a state of hostility or unfriendliness”...
Do I Lose Control of My Assets in a Living Trust?

Do I Lose Control of My Assets in a Living Trust?

In a revocable living trust you absolutely do not!  You keep full control.  As the trustee of your trust you can do everything you could do before, including buying, selling, investing, etc.  You can make changes or even canels your trust, that’s why it is called a...
Have an Etsy Store? Make Sure It Is Properly Protected

Have an Etsy Store? Make Sure It Is Properly Protected

The online marketplace Etsy has gone from a niche craft seller to one of the largest commerce companies in the world. Etsy has millions of active sellers worldwide, most of whom are based in the United States. Many Etsy sellers rely on the site as a primary or...