Although parents can be highly creative and detailed in structuring conditional gifts, their freedom to impose terms is limited. In general, courts will not uphold conditions that are illegal, uncertain, unreasonable, impossible, or contrary to public policy. Here are...
Planning for your pets in your estate plan is an excellent way to ensure that your beloved pet will receive proper care and attention after you pass on. The problem, of course, is that you will not be there to ensure that your wishes are carried out. That is why it is...
There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for assisting a loved one who is dealing with substance abuse. What most experts agree on, though, is that you cannot force someone to undergo treatment. Family members can encourage recovery, but ultimately, the decision to...
Five Wishes is a document that helps you and the people in your life talk together about these important matters. Its called an advance directive, because it helps you make decisions in advance that can direct your care later. It is recognized as a legal document...