It may be tempting to use an online service, or do some google research, and make a will without the help of an estate planning attorney. There are important legal and financial risks you should consider before making that decision:
- If you do not follow the strict execution( signing and witnessing) requirements, your will may be invalid;
- Without consulting an experienced professional who can advice you, you may overlook some key estate planning elements that cost your heirs in legal fees and estate taxes, or cause you to spend down your hard earned legacy to pay for long term care;
- You may end up putting things in your will that can only be done with a different instrument, like a trust, and risk your will not doing what you wanted it to do;
- If your documents are not clear enough, or fail to account for some legal requirement, your family could end up spending years and a lot of money in probate court after you are gone.
Contact us for to assist. Don’t take any chances. We are ready to assist.